• 1. Preparation

    Gain exposure by appearing in real press articles. Our PR experts will analyze your current media coverage and create content indexed on Google News, based on your order. We work in collaboration with you and take care of writing the articles, which you can validate before publication

  • 2. Writing articles

    Clients can proofread the content, provide us with images and videos to integrate, and suggest final edits. We will then publish it on several recognized media outlets. The quality of our work and our media network is unmatched.

  • 3. Get certified

    After reviewing your media results, you can follow the simple verification request process directly on the Instagram/TikTok app, from your own mobile device. The status of your request will be displayed in your news feed within 3-5 days after submission .

+500 Media Partners

THE platform to start and develop your social networks.

+ 700 Certified Customers

Only real editorial publications matter to build your reputation. Secertifier.com is the largest verification support agency in the world. We have helped more than 700 clients.

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